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Consumer Goods

Promotional articles, decoration articles and much more

Promotional articles

New every week: the colourful discounter shopping lists with the week’s specials. Promotional articles, artificially in short supply in all product areas, regularly attract buyers into the markets. Our customers, many of whom are importers or manufacturers and discounter suppliers, appreciate the sales of these promotional goods because the high numbers of items sold guarantee excellent utilization of production capacities.

It is not just the different branding, packaging and instruction sheet that distinguish promotional articles from those in the regular assortment. The discounters also draw up a comprehensive test plan with all of the product’s performance attributes. In some areas, such as migration of contaminants, boundary values are set that are even more demanding than those prescribed by law. Then materials compliance acquires special meaning alongside general product compliance. Sometimes processing the contractual performance catalogue becomes a balancing act between fulfilment of compliance and a fixed delivery time.

We would be glad to help here.

decoration articles

My home is my castle – trade in living accessories and decorative articles flourishes true to this saying. There is nothing that doesn’t exist for making one’s homely ambient as beautiful, cosy and stylish as possible. The assortment changes rapidly, depending on the season and the colour currently in fashion. The origin of most of these products lies in low-cost production countries outside the EU.

Due to the rapid changes in assortments and their enormous breadths, our customers, all of them importers and dealers, have their hands full with keeping the traceability of the delivery chain transparent in addition to fulfilling product compliance.

Legislation (Selection)

Directive 2001/95/EG – General Product Safety
Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 – REACH

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