Registration of old electronic devices

In Germany, the conditions for marketing and disposing of old electric and electronic devices is regulated in the complex “Elektro-und Elektronikgerätegesetz” (ElektroG as transposition of WEEE EU Directive 2012/19/EU). All statutory task areas are coordinated by the “Stiftung elektro-altgeräte register” (Stiftung ear). While the (online) dealers have the obligation by law to take back the old devices, it is the manufacturers and original importers who bear the costs for collection and proper waste disposal. Foreign market participants without a branch in Germany have to hire a representative in Germany to fulfil all obligations under German law on their behalf.
The complexity is even greater for companies that are active internationally because collecting and recycling electric and electronic devices is regulated differently in the various European countries.
asseso covers the entire range of tasks, both national and international, for some of its customers. Upon request, we just create structures through registration, determination of the device categories, substantiation of the company’s status and labelling of the devices, while the customer looks after the administrative activities (e.g. report and guarantees).